Welcome to ‘Left Right Out’!

I finally did it; I started a blog. Now What?

I welcome you, ladies and gentlemen, to ‘Left Right Out’, a football fanatic’s webpage that covers everything football in Australia. I’m Jacob, your writer, editor, founder and extraordinaire. In this inaugural blog post, I’ll be answering all the who’s, what’s, when’s, where’s and why’s in this FAQ’s style post.

Why did you start the blog?

I started the blog for many reasons. Obviously, during lockdown, you have a sufficient amount of time to think about things, your hobbies, your life, your future.

I’m a huge football fan, especially locally here in Australia. Over the past year, I’ve grown a tremendous connection with the second tier of Australian football. Through this, I realised there aren’t many outlets for fans to interact with, so I started an Instagram page – @npl.fooball. The page aims to create a localised source of news for the top NPL leagues across Australia. Through directing this media, I realise, “Hey, I could make a career out of this”. I’ll be studying for a Bachelor of Communications at university next year, so why not get a head start?

As mentioned before, I felt there was a significant void in the blogging aspect for Australian football. Not so much A-League, more so every other aspect to football down-under (NPL, Socceroo’s, etc.). After months of procrastinating and thinking, I have finally acted, and voilà, the blog ‘Left Right Out’ was born.

It wouldn’t look too bad on the old resume as well.

Who’s your target audience?

The target audience with most blogs is pretty self-explanatory—anyone interested in football in the land down under.

Will there be any other writers on this blog?

I certainly hope so!

Currently, there is only one writer, me, Jacob. I haven’t told anyone that I would start a blog as it is mainly a passion project. Soon, I will be looking to expand and look for more aspiring writers and bloggers like myself. But for the time being, it is currently just me.

If anyone is keen to jump on board with ‘Left Right Out’, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

What will be covered on ‘Left Right Out’?

‘Left Right Out’ is a blog that will cover the Australian football scene as a whole. The 2021/22 A-League season will be the main topic to begin with, and as time goes on the page and the brand grows, Socceroo’s, NPL and W-League will be covered also.

What type of articles will be covered? I expect previews, reviews, interviews, all the views, round-ups, hot takes, predictions, news and more to be covered.

How often will the blog be active?

I won’t be running on any timeframes or schedules. ‘Left Righ Out’, as of now, is a side hobby.

Once I have passed the establishment phase of things, organised the website, expanded to socials, and sourced a team of writers, I will then develop a tactical plan to deliver the utmost exciting articles for you viewers to read.

Where do you see ‘Left Right Out’ in a year’s time?

Still operating, I’d expect!

Three hundred and sixty-five days down the track, I envision the brand will have grown to be a well established Australian supplier of football articles and opinions, presented by a young panel of eager writer’s with a passion for excelling. I anticipate ‘Left Right Out’ to have a passionate team with fingers dipped into as many media’s and corner’s of Australia football as possible.

This concludes the inaugural post on ‘Left Right Out’. To finish, I am immensely excited to grow this media and use it as an outlet for people to share their thoughts on football here at home.

Please check out our socials and give us a follow. If you feel like it, enter your email below to receive and be notified of the latest posts on ‘Left Right Out.’

Have a good one, benchwarmers!

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